Why blog? Because it’s the best job, ever
Thanks to a grant from the National Association of Science Writers, the New England Science Writers has made their Jan. 19 presentation on health & science blogging freely available online. The panel featured: Moderator Alison Bass, http://alison-bass.blogspot.com Daniel Carlat: The Carlat Psychiatry Blog: Promoting honesty in medical education, http://carlatpsychiatry.blogspot.com Ivan Oransky: Embargo Watch: Keeping an eye on how scientific information embargoes affect news coverage, http://embargowatch.wordpress.com/; Retraction Watch: Tracking retractions as a window into the scientific process, http://retractionwatch.wordpress.com/ Gary Schwitzer, HealthNewsReview Blog, http://www.healthnewsreview.org/blog/ Rachel Zimmerman, CommonHealth: Reform and reality, http://commonhealth.wbur.org For more details and links, visit: http://neswonline.com. And a write up … Read more…